Tuesday, January 20, 2015


what do think about happiness... do you consider yourself as a happy person? do you think all people in this world make their day happy every day... or sometimes people who looks very happy in his face is just wearing a fake happy face mask?... for me, what is happiness is all about... i don't know... i cant tell very much about happiness... im just finished watched a movie call hector and the search for happiness... the story is about a person who is a psychiatrist, listening their patient problems everyday and try to solve the problems by talk something nice or give some advises for them to overcome the problems. one day he realize he didn't happy even though his life looks perfect, with girlfriend living with him arranged all his life, even help him to tie the necktie for him everyday. he decided to make a journey to seek the meaning of happiness and what make person happy. he started his journey to china. on his way to china, in the flight he met a person who looks very rich. as they arrived at the airport the person he met brought him somewhere to teach him that money can be buy by money. the person he met brought him to a club at the center of china. he looked around and all people around him looked so happy drinking, chatting, flirting, having some good times with girls... he also felt into this short-time happiness time. he having a good time with a bunch of people, laughing, chatting while drinking. he met a girl and having a very good night with that girl that night, even continue their loving scene to the hotel. but he didnt do sex with her. the next day he invite the girl for a lunch and asked her to join his journey , suddenly he realized, actually the girl was hired by the person he met in flight to make him happy for a night. he felt so depressed and realized that money can buy happiness, but for only a short time. this make him so sad and he continued his journey. he went to a temple which located in a very rural area. a person who lived there teach him that happiness is colorful.. and the way u color your life will make u happy or sad..in his journey, he also learn that happiness is the way u celebrate with other people.. he went to Africa he learn how african people celebrate his welcome to their village.. they dance and not even single people was sad that day..
 story about him in this movie make me think , what is actually the meaning of happiness.. for some people who sick and has risk to death may be happy if they can recover their health and become an healthy person again. for people who are poor may think happiness is having some money to buy food. people who are blind, to be a person who can look the world with their own eye may mean happiness for then. maybe, giving people our smile may make a day for someone else

Sunday, October 2, 2011

berakhir ny cuti

huahhuah, hari ni ari ahad, hari paling x bez sebab esk ari senin.... still ooVoo gn si fairuz nie haa, die pny rindu lahai, x igt dunia, tp sbenany rindu die jgk... hmm, ari khamis mggu lpas da start da kelas ny haa, mmg x sronok ler kene balik blaja nye haa... da masuk sem 4, report2 yg kene tulis amat melampau... ade ke kene tulis smpai 20 helai haa, hotak hang la...
any way cuti musim panas ritu amat seronok laa... sebab ny dapat jumpe si fairuz, die cuti seminggu, tp dapat jumpe die 6 hari...wow, mmg x igt dunia la hepi ny dapat jumpe fairuz kan... mule2 pi jemput die kat airport hari ahad, jemput sat jaa, pastu balik umah jb balik, rabu next ny ber mual lah holiday kami... sesampai ny kat penang, die jemput, walau pun aq sampai dulu, tp kire die jemput aq jgk la,, haha, pastu pi jalan2 kat komtar, makan pizza, delicious sbb dlame gler x makan pizza hut... pas makan, pi jalan kat panta batu feringhi... hujan gerimis2, org pun xde, ad pun mat saleh, org arab... pastu kat situ, ad plak spot amek gamba yg canteeek.. die ap lg, x abes2 suh amek gamba tu la ni la... amat bahagia saat itu, tp iany berlalu terlalu pantas... mlm tu tdo kat hotel murah .... esk ny, kami pi langkawi plak, smpai lgkawi, kami sewa kete, pastu mcm2 dugaan haa, kete rosak la tu la ni la, rugi mase je,,, kami pi jalan2 kat cable car, wuhuu, amat tinggi, si fairuz  amat gayat, abes smue die pegang sbb takut pny pasal...haha, tgk  gambar die atas tu..hehe..
pastu bermula la sesi tangkap gamba kami kat atas bukit tuuu...
hah, macam2 gamba adeeee....

then pi pantai...

esk ny kenduriii,

hah, gambar last tu mmg x igt dunia la die becakap logaht kedah die tuu...
pas abes kenduri, esk ny kami pi kl, si fairuz pun berangkat pulang...
mmg x leh lupe corak mozek lantai yg fairuz tgh bediri tuu,sedih mmg x igt la kan...
pas abes antar die aq pun pi ke pangkor bersama rakan2, haha, skema noo ayat ko der...

mmg amat panjang aq rase cuti aq kali ni.... tp amat seronok sbb si fairuz balik!!!
k lah, report belambak, lg2 report... k la chow3...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

aku berada bukan di bilik ku

o0ooo, sungguh hima sekarang ini, berbekalkan kompute ini yg season, sambil mnunggu utk pulang pada pkul 5 sengah ini, mak ai, lame ny  makcik oi, bkn wat ap pong kat blik research nie, td da abes pnerangan 1 ari, pastu tuk mencangguk dpan kompute..haha..xde mende laen nk wat, sambil2 itu menahan lapar dan dahaga, lapaq giler,xpe2 sabaq.... waaa... ari ni ari first internship senany, keh3, uni ni mmg jimat lektrik sampai kepanasan aq di buatny.. ari ni jumpe prof, knlkn diri, pastu kenalkn dri lg kat ahli2 researchers, pastu naseb baek yg in-charge aq org mlayu, wuhuuu, sronok!! sebab!aq paham ap yg die terangkan...pastu yg x puas ati nyer nie, x leh ke bg blik awal, dr pkul 2 td x wat ap pong, duk je smpai panas butt,, x kn nk tggu aq kurus kot br bg blik.. anyway, sabar je la,hekelee, aq ngah sabar aar nie oi...
by the way, mane fairuz? ntah, aq pon x taw, lame x kontak die,da 3,4,5 ari jgk la tegur sape..die bz ke? atau aq bz? atau masing2 wat2 bz? x de la.. aq yg bz, intership nie lg, mlm2 duk umah org, mne leh skype...alaahai ujang!tp sayang tetap sayang kat die.. agak2 kalo die bace nie, rase nk nangis x die? ...pompompom, cpat la berakhirny intern ini, da abez mati akal aq nie haa,,, ++panas plak tuh..rase nk bawak lektrik sendri dr umah plak...kemut!! haha.. sory la, gurau2.. k2, nk chow la. sambung mematikan akal.. bye3,,

Thursday, August 4, 2011

esk cuti daa

hoya2, ari nie 4/8/2011 pkul 1032 jam jepon, keh2, esk start natsu yasumi daa... yay, kelas da abes, cuti 2 bulan, tp aq sgt x gembira arini, sebab, bnyak kje nk kne wat wooo,1 je keje ny, seizu, kali nie wat buhinzu, da 3 ari wat x siap2, total14 jam da wat tp x siap2 lg, aduh, x tdo malam la arini jawab ny... puase da hari ke 3, esk atau luse nk pi nagaoka, internship 5 ari... si fairuz, jarang da kontak, oor skype skung sbb aq tesangat bz, aduh, kne siap kn kje seblum pkul 5 esk...4 nen di kosen amat la x menyeronokkan, come on la , tlg la cpat siap seizu aq nie oi... tension gler...nk cpat siap tp dr pkul 9 50 td rehat je memanjang... da la panas ...skit je lg nk blik mlaysia, pastu duk umah tdooooo...wuhuuu... raye pastu jalan sane jalan sini, huh.....td call skype fairuz tp dy trus reject, mayb die ngah call family die kot, hah br cakap die da call blik da,hehe, mke x hepi, still senyap walaupun da 30 second berlalu... trus tny soklan kat aq pasal email...haha... what the hell... anyway nk mandi pastu ganbarela smpai siap seizu... cter pasal kelas last seblum start cuti esk iaitu arini, hmm biase je, mengantok kat kelas.. fairuz nk lens 50mm yg ucop jual, tp kateny da sold,, arghh, ksian die, try cari yg laen kot utk die... skali skala kn..erghh.. k laa, nk smbung wat seizu....

Sunday, July 31, 2011

esok puasa!!

hai2, kembali mngarut2... keh3, skung aq da rajin tulis blog puler, sebab........ haa, sebab aq br bli keyboard wireless, bleh mnulis dgn mudah, x yah la nk tbongkok2 tulis gne built in keyboard kat laptop tu... haha... sorry la der, kalo blog aq x sronok, sebab blog nie aq sorg je yg bace , x share gn org laen pun, x ske org bace pasal ap yg aq tulis... tp aq x cakap pun org laen yg tulis blog tu ske mnunjuk2, hehe...
btw, esk puase, td gi mkn okonomi yaki, kami brempat, farah john jenal gn aq.. sedap jgk ler... esk puase tp aq ready ke nk puase esk nie, aduh sbenany td nk wat report,pnat susun ketas2 pastu nk wat report, tp tbe2 rase nk mnulis plak.. taun nie, taun kedue puase sbentar di sabae,fukui,jepon nie.... taun lpas puase start cuti pun da start, taun nie x pat laaa,,, ad klas wlaupon puase, da la summer, aduh, kpanasan itu suatu dugaan... aaaaaaa... panas der....
emm skung fairuz pi trip ke magaret river... die ad assignment kat sane, design hotel la ap laa... smlam die cter yg die lpak2 gn bdk indon pmpuan...bdk2 indon tu mnum arak la, smoking la.. wild girl... die mcm shock die kate sbb mreka nmpak baek, kate fairuz.. luckily diedapat sbilik gn bdk2 baek with one australian muslim... good for her... anyway rindu kat die, kadang die msg gne kakao talk.. ler, rindu ke der, aritu mcm x kesah jee.. hehe, kadang2 nmpak je mcm aq x rindu die, sbenany aq sayang die, cme aq nk ubah sket, x nk slalu msg gn die, bunga2 gn die, hehe, biar jarang contact, sbb mkin rindu mkin sayang.... kalo da lame x contact die, mesti mcm2 die nk cter kat aq, aq pun ske dgar layan die, pastu complaint pasal ap yg die cakap... slalu ap yg aq cakap mesti aq nk menang... truk ny aq.. sorry fairuz kalo ad saket kn ati fairuz... wow, syg die ke der...eh, mesti la... die calon terrbaek pnah aq jumpe.. da x de sebab nk cari yg laen... die terBAEK ... hehe, bkn angau ea, tp mmg di akui sebegitu... 10 mnit lg nk pkul 8... esk puase, pastu raye, 18/8/2011 nie nk blik mlaysia, wuhuuu.. kikoku suru zee!!! tp ad internship plak kat nagaoka 8~12 nie... mggu dpan, anyway, exam kali nie mcm ok sket dr yg seblum i thought.... result x pat lg... k la, continue tulis report, eh, mksud aq wat report...

Monday, July 25, 2011

ehem, di minggu exam,

ahoi, mmg sronok waktu mggu exam nie, kelas abes awal, pkul 11 da abes, biase smpai pkul 4, erghh, tension gler kalo exam chukang dapat result truk gler, heikin 68, hmm, harapan nk suisen ke uni, tp heikin rendah, kali nie nmpak mcm ok skit, tp still x cemerlang, exam ari nie ye, exam kaiseki , sensor n eng, mcm ok je, mgharap kaiseki boleh la skor sbb sblum nie dapat result truk, skali kuar soklan susah puler, adess,, tension den, pnat study ooi, kalo x cemerlang, hati x tenang, hati x tenang mkneny, mencari ketenagan... pemende da mengarut nie, nie yg susah nie kalo tulis blog tp bace sendri, haha, bullshit, esk exam sensor n taiiku, eh arini bkn exam sensor la tp keisanrikigaku yg berkaitan gn programming yg mmg x tau ap2, kesudahann ny tengok org seblah, org seblah tgk aq, mane la aq tau wahai nihonjin, aq org melayu, mmg ler x paham pemende yg soklan tu nak, adess,, last2 tiru je ap yg die tulis, walhal die sengal2 ubi je otak die, x taw la, aq rase smue org blaja same je tp die nie nmpk ok tp sbenany lembab, haha x baek kutuk org, minta maap, saje bgurau.aiseh, abes exam blik mlaysia, seblum tu internship kat nagaoka, ap2 pun ble exam nk abes nie, nyampah plak blaja lame2 nie, adess, pas exam bnyak plak keje kene antar nie... arghh... tp memanjang x blaja dr pkul 5 td, duk mlepak je dpan kopute nie, aiseh rindu plak kat fairuz.. haha, jiwang gler ko nie oi, bodo, sendri cakap sendri kutuk last2 sendri jgk yg ........ k aar... x rajin pun tulis senany, tp mne tau nnt da tua tluper ap yg kte da wat waktu mude2 dulu kan. k choow

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

something i know about her

lame rase nya x tulis mende mengarut nie, arini rase nk tulis ap yg ad dalam pkiran ku tentang die...

die slalu ny hepi, x pernah tolak permintaan org, kalo org mintak tolong, mesti die tolong,
slalu tgk die, very kind-hearted women... kadang2 smpai ksian plak asek org je mintak tolong kat die, pastu kalo die nk mintak tolong kat org, mesti rase serba salah... die akan pkir dl sedalam2 ny, br mintak tolong kat org...
next point, biase ny die jarang marah, suka gelak2, very happy person,tp................
kalo die da marah kat aq, mesti suh cakap pun x nak, buat muke tensen sepanjang hari, ble tny soklan die x jawab, rase mcm da xde harapan da nk cakap gn die lagi....
ap yg perlu buat utk reda kn ati ny itu? haa... biar kan je die, esok ke lusa ke, mesti elok punyer, nnt mesti die akan antar mesej cakap 'sorry, x patut wat kamu mcm tu' n pastu die kembali ok 100%...thank god die bkn jenis simpan dendam... tp la kan, die slalu igt ap mende buruk yg kite penah wat kat die.....
hmm, lagiii..... hah, kalo die nie marah, kat seseorang, kalo org laen tlepon die, die leh senyum mcm x de ap2 yg tjadi, mkneny, die x kn marah kat org laen kalo die marah kat seseorang....
ngah sibuk2 menulis report nie, sambil ber oovoo gn die, sempat plak tulis mende ngarut nie, lagipun die x nk cakap2 gn aq, blerghhhhhhhhhh!!!
c ya bebeh....
continue doing report!!!


i love this person very much!!